A fun brand overhaul for SPKN—Sport Professional knowledge Network—a media and engagement platform on a mission to elevate sport by inspiring better practice through knowledge.

Branding, Brand Messaging, Voice & Tone Guidelines, Web Content

In 2021, I was brought in by Moontide to assist on a brand overhaul for SPKN (Sport Professional Knowledge Network)—a media platform on a mission to elevate sport by inspiring better practice through knowledge. The goal of the project was to elevate SPKN's positioning and enhance their content. My role in the rebrand focused on the core brand messaging. Using insights from strategic brainstorming sessions and an extensive sport-education survey, I drafted new mission and purpose statements, brand principles, and values. I defined the brand's core personality traits, as well as high-level voice and tone guidelines.

Here are some selected screenshots from the 26-page brandbook:

SPKN Personality Traits
SPKN Voice Traits
SPKN Voice Guidelines

Our process throughout the rebrand included multiple sessions with key stakeholders to ensure we were always staying aligned with their overarching goals and the future growth of the organization.

Following the approved and final version of the new brand guidelines, I then moved on to help write content for the new website rolling out with the rebrand. This mostly consisted of dozens of video and media descriptions for their knowledge library. They've continued to build on the brand platform we developed for them and expanded their content offerings and resources for sport professionals and coaches.

These types of branding projects are one of my favorite things to work on with clients. I get to become very intimate with the brands I'm working on, and aside from having a lot of fun, I truly enjoy getting to work so closely with my clients through the branding process.

If you're interested in learning more about my approach to branding and brand messaging platforms, let's connect!

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