Hinterland Outfitters

Website and organic content overhaul for an outdoor retail brand. My role centered around long- and short-form SEO web content, including blogs, landing pages, guides, infographics, and more.

Copywriting, SEO, Copyediting, Infographic, Web Content

As a freelance copywriter and copyeditor, I've contracted with many agencies on strategic projects for their clients. Ignite Visibility, a top digital marketing agency out of San Diego I worked with for years, tapped me to produce around a hundred pieces of content for a complete digital transformation of Hinterland Outfitter's website. The goal of the project was to position Hinterland Outfitters as the go-to online retail store for hunting and outdoor enthusiasts. Content was going to play a key role in their new paid and organic marketing strategies.

Some of my time was spent copyediting content produced by a couple of other writers to meet the new voice and style guidelines, but the majority of it was focused on producing long- and short-form SEO web content for the new website. This included content for blogs, landing pages, guides, infographics, and more.

man cleaning a double barrel shotgun with text "How to Clean a Shotgun"

Here are some samples of optimized long-form content:

Over the course of about six months, I crafted hundreds of pieces of original content, some of which started to see immediate success high conversion rates shortly after being published.

I need to point out that I, myself, am not a hunter—I'm an avid fisherman and outdoorsman, but I don't own any guns or bows, nor have I ever hunted for either sport or food. This project required significant research on my part. The client was particularly happy with the hunting guides I put together, which helped position them as much as a resource for hunters as a place for them to secure great deals on equipment and gear for their upcoming adventures.

When it comes to writing good content, being a subject matter expert is helpful, but there are more important pieces at play. I actually love working closely with clients and SMEs to ghostwrite strategic content, that can be published under their names or brand to help boost credibility.

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